YOU and SONG SELECTION are KING! – The Funktion NJ Wedding Band, NYC Wedding Band


Posted On:01.29.2015


So much in the music scene keeps chang­ing. Dif­fer­ent styles of music get in­vented and be­come pop­u­lar, and dif­fer­ent trends in our cul­ture af­fect the music that is pro­duced, recorded, and then per­formed. The music is al­ways chang­ing, and the best Bands change with it, yet remain who they are and keep their autonomy. They keep up with the pulse of the newest songs and the most pop­u­lar songs as well as staying true to who they are.  Thats a very profound difference from the pack.

There are things that have NOT changed over the years. They are the same as when I started play­ing, and they are the same today. It’s al­ways been im­por­tant that bands per­form with, soul, charisma, edge, EN­ERGY, and pro­ject­ing how much of a good time they are hav­ing while per­form­ing. Have it or you don’t.  It’s also al­ways been im­por­tant that the qual­ity of the per­for­mances be gen­uine (no cheese),  come from the soul and remaining true- Otherwise like the overwhelming majority– you look, sound, and are cookie cutter.  

The three most im­por­tant el­e­ments needed for an amaz­ing party are:

1. You and Your Company

2. Song Se­lec­tion

3. Who is performing that Song selection

Packed floor -Jessica wedding with The Funktion NJ

Play­ing the right songs at the right time dur­ing your party is huge- with great flow and dynamic change- its downright an art form. It al­ways was, and we be­lieve it al­ways will be. Song se­lec­tion is so im­por­tant.  Play­ing the right songs may be even equal  how good the band sounds. Of course, as a band­leader I ex­pect all my per­form­ers to al­ways sound great. And so does every mem­ber of the Funktion Band. But there is no ques­tion that a great band, THROUGH EX­PE­RI­ENCE, will play the right songs at the right time. That will keep your dance floor packed. (And yes, with Funktion, you’ll have amaz­ing en­ergy, mu­si­cian­ship and show­man­ship too!)
